Monday, April 21, 2008

You've been warned...

Fair warning: this has nothing to do with running and everything to do with my underwear. It may well be TMI, so consider yourself warned! That said, it was too funny not to share!!

Yesterday as I was getting dressed, putting on some “low-rise” jeans, my 2 1/2 year old daughter (who never misses a thing!!) walked in the room. I had a thong on so that it wouldn’t show over the top of my jeans. I had my back to the door as she walked in and she said, “Mama, how come you don’t have on any underpants?” I turned around and said, “I do have on underpants, sweetie – see?” and I held up a bit of the fabric from the front. She said, “But you don’t have any underpants on your bum, Mama.” Guess she had me there....

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