Friday, August 22, 2008

My last post was WHEN??

Good grief -- I can't believe I haven't posted since April. How lame am I?!?!?

Now, in my own defense, during that time I :
  • was sick for several weeks (actually, all of May, I think)
  • had a 4th birthday party for my son
  • potty trained 2 kids
  • took a short trip to the beach
  • hosted my Dad (twice!) and sister for visits
  • enrolled my son in preschool

and (drum roll, please....)

  • found out I can do 100 push ups (REAL ones, not on my knees!!) in one series of push ups / stair climbs!!

Yup, pretty damn proud of that last one!! During Boot Camp, my Tues/Thurs class at the gym, the instructor had us split into 2 groups and head into an interior stairwell. One group ran the stairs for 30 seconds while the other group did push ups at the bottom of the stairwell. On the insanely hard tile floor. Doing "modified" knee push ups was not an option because the floor was just too hard, so I did "real" ones. After 30 seconds, the groups would switch. After several sets of those he extended the time to 45 seconds per set. I have this often-annoying habit of counting without even realizing I'm doing it, so of course I counted each set of push ups. Actually, in that kind of situation I don't find the counting habit too annoying; it's a good way to see if I'm maintaining the same intensity or starting to slack. Anyway, I started to add up my sets and quickly realized that if I reallyreally pushed it on the last set, I would do 100 push ups!! It took every bit of strength I have, a whole lot of ugly grunting, and a few seconds longer than the allotted 45 (during which I was ribbed endlessly by my classmates for showing off!), but I DID IT!!

That's what I love about that class -- would I ever have tried to do that on my own? No way! And even if I had, I would have quit much sooner. Somehow that extra "accountability" or whatever you want to call it really kicks in and keeps me going.

Kinda like those Saturdays I plan to run to Moore and back and find myself going to Yates Ford or beyond.....

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