Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Going for the Gold!

In school, I was never much of an athlete. I played soccer on a club team in 3rd - 8th grade, made All Stars several times, but really was never much of an athlete. And I was never any good at the whole stupid Presidential Physical Fitness thing. Being small, I could do the flexed arm hang like nobodies business. And don't even get me started on how many sit-ups I could do in a minute. But that running stuff? No way!! But all that has changed now. And would you believe, I just signed up for the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge?? Check it out at www.presidentschallenge.org. Join me -- c'mon, you know you want to!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

10 Years Younger

My sister and I were recently discussing some of the makeover shows on TLC. We both agree we love What Not to Wear (will someone please nominate me for that show already?? We all know I desperately need it!!!). We both also agree that we hate the show 10 Years Younger. Neither of us could really articulate exactly why, except that we both hate the focus on cosmetic surgery. It hit me the other day what my real issue is: one show helps you bring out your own beauty, the other shows you what is wrong with you and how some professional can "fix" you so that ordinary society will finally view you in a better light. As much of a fashion beeyatch as I think Stacy London can be, I have never heard her tell anyone on that show that she needs to change anything but her mindset and her wardrobe. We all have inner beauty that we may need some help to showcase, but the idea that we all need botox and microdermabrasion makes me cringe. And we all know that cringing will undoubtedly lead to wrinkles....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Have I Mentioned How Much I Hate the Indoor Track??

Knowing it would be cold and I would use the kids and my impending trip out of town later in the day, I chose to get up early last Friday and run on the indoor track at my gym. Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely track -- well-maintained, clean, nicely lit. But it is a 1/14 mile circuit. Yuck. Going around and around and around and feeling like you're not getting anywhere is one thing. But doing it knowing how MANY times you actually have to go around for it to "count" for anything? Brutal! And don't even get me started on the fact ath I can't spit when I run indoors.... But I am pleased to say that I managed to stick with it for 4 miles. Yup -- 56 stinkin' laps! And I kept a decent pace, too!

And then went back for more today! Since I must admit that yesterday's outdoor run was rather half-assed, I forced myself out of bed at 5 a.m. today and arrived at the gym at 5:30, opening time. (Imagine my surprise to find that people actually line up in a very orderly way before the building opens! But that may be a blog for another day...)

I only got in 2 miles (28 laps, for those of you who are counting!) before my Boot Camp class. And again, it was a much better pace than I keep outdoors. All the better to get the miles in but finish up sooner, right?

Have I mentioned how much I hate the indoor track?