Thursday, January 24, 2008

I hate the cold!

I'm trying not to wimp out this winter, but MAN I hate the cold!! It's especially hard (or perhaps the problem is that wimping out is even easier) when the kids are involved. I truly do believe that I am setting a good example of fitness for my kids each and every time I drag them along for a run. But when there are runny noses, sore throats, cranky toddlers, and freezing temperatures it becomes a whole 'nother ball game. Not to mention the fact that I don't happen to have a lot of coordination, so avoiding icy patches or slushy puddles on my own can be tough. Doing that while pushing a double jogger? No way! I'm making sure I work a little harder in my Boot Camp class and I'm trying to push myself to get out alone when I can. But I sure will be glad when things warm up a bit!! How is everyone else doing in these chilly times??

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pushing Each Other

I love that we push each other, in sometimes subtle and sometimes more overt ways. And I love that we support each other in the same fashion. Today we discussed our distance plans before we started, but a few of us were somewhat noncommittal. We run an out-and-back route and as we approached the point that would make a total distance of about 4.5 miles, Sarah decided she was going to turn back rather than go the full 6 we had discussed. I said I would turn back with her, leaving the other two to continue a bit further. But then MaryLu said she would turn back, too, which would have left Heidi alone. Not that Heidi can't handle running alone. But if we're out for a group run there ought to be group, right? So I stayed with her and, as always, I'm glad I did. I'm a better runner for the friends with whom I'm blessed to run. They sometimes make me run further or faster than I had planned, but never push me past where I truly feel I can't go or make me feel like less for having limits. I could have sat down right now to add 4.5 miles to my log, but I would have been a bit disappointed in myself for not going farther. Now I can log my six miles, as planned, and feel good about it. Thanks, Heidi -- I owe you one!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

I don't want to beat myself up.

Really I don't. It's only January 5. But I hate how this year is starting for me, fitness-wise. I have yet to really run. Or do much of anything else. I did a half-assed run/walk on New Year's Day, but there were so many other factors involved in that I won't even get started. I hadn't pushed the double stroller in a while and was seriously upset/sad/pissed off about personal stuff that running with the stroller in the cold on a muddy trail was not very smart. I must have been running with my shoulders hunched up tight, because I've been sporting an incredibly sore neck/upper back since. That kept me from my usual boot camp class on Thursday. That, along with my sore throat and the freezing cold temps kept me from running Wednesday and Friday. So I really was planning to run today. Really. But my husband works weekends, so Saturday runs are no different than those during the week: wake the kids, feed them, dress them, bundle them into coats to get to the car to bundle them further into the stroller. All of this after getting myself up and dressed and fed. Today I just don't have it in me. So we're staying in, where it's warm. Maybe the kids will even sleep in a bit (hey, I can dream!). And I'll try again tomorrow. After all, it's only January 5 -- I don't want to beat myself up.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!

As we start 2008, I have decided to set a very ambitious goal for myself. I don't generally like to refer to things as new year's resolutions -- I prefer to think of goals I am setting for the new year. Although I ended 2007 with a paltry-sounding 416 miles run, I was able to accomplish 750 miles in 2006. So my goal for 2008? 1,000 miles! I am planning to run a 10-mile race in April, a half marathon in June, a full marathon and probably a 10-mile race in October. Keeping on a decent training schedule for each of those will certainly go a long way toward maintaining the steady mileage I will need for a total of 1,000 miles. We'll see! Anyone else want to share any running-related goals for 2008? Or, feel free to chime in and tell me how crazy I am! :o)