Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Needed That!

I knew I needed a break, but I don't think I knew just how badly I needed it until I was laughing my butt off last night. Some members of the Wed/Fri Burke Lake group got together last night at Jami's house and we had a great time eating (Jami makes amazing food!), drinking, talking, and laughing. And laughing. And laughing. I am thoroughly exhausted today -- I can't believe it was 11:30 by the time I got to bed!! -- but it was very well worth it. Thanks, girlies -- I needed that!

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Note to self: when running in frigid temperatures, it is NOT necessary to fill your water bottles with nice cold water from the fridge. Room temperature water would be just fine. Especially when you are going to put the aforementioned nice cold water bottles (did I mention they were cold?) into your #&%@ Fuel Belt and therefore have freezing cold things bouncing around on your butt being even more annoying than usual!!

On the up side, though, due to the combination of the freezing cold air and the freezing cold water bottles, my butt was soon almost totally numb. And numbuns don't mind the #&%@ Fuel Belt as much.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's all a numbers game

Last weekend I turned 39. For the first and only time. I won't be one of those "39-and-holding" types. When I was younger, I thought I might be one of those -- after all, I did turn twenty-eleven instead of 31. Now that I'm here, though, I'm proud to say I'm 39. I am in the best shape I've ever been in. I have two beautiful children and a loving husband. I have two marathons* under my belt and, God willing, another on the horizon. I have been blessed with the ability (and the sense!) to surround myself with amazing, strong, supportive women -- something I wasn't smart enough to do in my younger years, hence the desire to be twenty-eleven! So I'm all for 39! And then 40! Life is good -- and I'm just getting

* I have to confess to a little Freudian typo -- I actually typed "marathongs" and nearly spit Coke out my nose when I re-read this before posting!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

It ate my blog....

I sat down last night and sent my fingers flying across the keyboard, blogging about how it was somehow colder than it felt yesterday morning. I don't know what happened but I lost the blog, so here's the recap...

It didn't feel terribly cold, but one of the doors of my car was actually frozen shut. It didn't feel terribly cold, but there were so many icy patches that I felt like I was taking 8 steps for every foot of pavement I covered -- and I was actually faster (and safer) walking sometimes rather than running. It didn't feel terribly cold, but the condensation inside the "bubble" of my double jogger actually looked like it was frosting over (the kids were happy, though -- always a bonus!). But I didn't let any of that keep me from getting out or staying out.

I stuck with it and did all 6 miles that were on our training plan for this Saturday's run. Because when it comes down to it, I just keep repeating to myself "The only way to run far is to run far." Except when I'm repeating, "The only way to run fast is to run fast." It just depends on the type of workout. But what always matters is that I feel better when I run. Always.