Friday, April 18, 2008

I ♥ VA Runner!

I blogged recently about my new shoes, and the great experience I had buying them. Unfortunately, while wearing them in the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler I knew by about mile 7 that I was well on the way to developing The Mother of All Blisters. Sure enough, I had a lovely little cluster of them, on the instep of my right foot. Left foot: fine. Right foot: not so much. The store has a 14-day return ploicy on shoes that they have recommended, so right there on day 14 my shoes and I went back. Jeff and other guy helped me, taking their time to listen, look at my feet, look at my shoes, and render an opinion. It seems the insole caused a problem, which may or may not have been exacerbated by the cold wet weather the day of the race. Their advice was to let my foot heal completely, wearing my old shoes until the blisters are completely gone. Then start wearing the new ones again, keeping an eye on things. If the blisters come back, I'llhead back in and they can tweak some things for me. Bottom line: regardless of if it takes several weeks more, they want me to be happy with my purchase and happy with their store. And I am!! Honestly, if you need shoes or gear, I can't recommend them highly enough!!

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